Q. Where are you from?
A. I am from the rural community of the Awhitu Peninsula.
Q. Was there music around you when you were growing up / how?
A. I got my music tastes from my family mostly. However, the area I grew up in provided a huge ammount of support for creativity and art.
Q. When did you start making music? How has the music you make changed over time?
A. I started playing guitar when I was 10, and writing when I was maybe 13. Alot of the early writing I did was very much just me experimenting with chords and stuff trying to make riffs. I probably didn't write a full song until I was maybe 15
Q. You participated in Smokefreerockquest... how was that experience for you? Do you have any advice for this years participants, or young musicians in general?
A. SFRQ Was my first experience of playing my music live to people. I was so nervous when I did it. Me and my high school friends did it 2015-2017, and while I never processed any further then regional, it was a good experience, and I gained alot from it
Q. You have played on some major stages and had some great media coverage of projects you've been involved in... is there any part of your musical journey that stands out as particularly special / a favourite moment?
A. Probably our EP release show we did. Having played on some cool as shows, nothing has compared to or been more rewarding then selling out your own headlining show, and having 200 people sing your songs back to you!
Q. When you're writing, what do you start with? What is your process from beginning to end?
A. I don't really have a structured writing process. Usually just an idea in my head I elaborate on, however, I do try and use new ideas wherever I can. I will intentionally figure out ways to put new things I havent done before, whether it is a time signature, a key change, or a rhythm.
Q. How do you choose what songs to release?
A. I go by crowd reaction when we play live. That's usually a good indication of what will be a good bet, however, sometimes I do just ask my producer what song he thinks we should do!
Q. What are two things you have learnt along your journey, that you would tell yourself if you could go back in time?
1. Don't be scared to get amongst it. Just go get it. Don't worry about gear or anything like that, just go do it.
2. Don't worry about whatever anyone else thinks of you. You are you, so please embrace that.
3. Don't worry compare yourself to others. Everyone's creative in different ways. You may someone is way more creative then yourself, but generally, they are probably thinking the same
You've got to be in it to win it!